Due to the rigors of international shipping, there is a need for more durable packing.
Let our highly skilled professionals assist you with those precious paintings and fragile items.
With Sunset Moving, you will always know what to expect. Our team of highly skilled professionals will be there for you, every step of your moving process. To show you just how devoted we are to our business, we are going to offer you services like planning the move, tracking the shipment, and even designing and creating a custom built crate for any of your sensitive or valuable belongings. You will not have to worry about any fragile items that are going through the moving process. The highly trained and vastly experienced workers of the Sunset Moving are going to do their very best at preserving the pristine condition of your valuable personal possessions.
We provide a wide variety of custom designed wood crates and boxes. We can help you with the design of your container, construction of your container, and arrange for the shipping and insurance of your item.
We are well aware that not everything fits perfectly inside a box. That is why we have decided to offer custom crating as one of our options, since we understand what is like shipping antiques, artwork, family furniture you must preserve, your beloved motorcycle or china plates and services. We don’t want you to agonize over whether it will survive the air freight to your destination, or whether it was well secured at the airport. It is our job to deliver you this luggage in the same intact condition as we packed it.
Of course, primarily what concerns us as designers is starting with the best style to match the item in question. Different boxes and crates have different loading capacities, and those that seemingly could fit, don’t always end up as the best choice. Just as critical is accounting for shock and vibration, as we are all acquainted with obstacles of transportation and moving. To overcome this issue, we have contacted some of the best specialists at developing proper cushioning materials, based on item weight, fragility and overall sensitivity to vibrations. Lastly, we make sure your item is adequately secured inside a box or a crate, and so your shipment is now able to withstand any kind of shipping environment rigors.
Allow us to provide you with stability and careful handling of the items you hold close to your heart, and don’t hesitate, give us a call today so we can set up a crate and ship you off to your desired destination in a carefree manner.
Moving can be tough. That’s why we provide 30 days of free storage to make it easier.
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