International Moving To Ireland

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    What to Expect when International Moving to Ireland

    Ireland, or the Emerald Isle, occupies the majority of the island referred to as Ireland (the remainder of the island is occupied by Northern Ireland, which is still a part of the United Kingdom).  The population is relatively small, hanging around 4 million, with almost half of the population living within a couple hour’s drive from Dublin.  Dublin is the capital and remains the largest city in all of Ireland.  It is important to note that the currency in Ireland is the Euro. When international moving to Ireland, you will need to convert your currency to the Euro during immigration or when you open up a bank account in Ireland.  Ask your Sunset International Shipping international moving to Ireland specialist for more information on where you can research how best to accomplish this as well as how to locate the bank nearest to you once in Ireland.

    Though Dublin is certainly quite a large city, there are wonderful rural areas all over Ireland that consist of small villages.  Ireland has done a wonderful job of preserving its culture as well as historical monuments and buildings.  Certainly a plus to note when international moving to Ireland is the fact that they are experiencing a huge economic boom which is resulting in extremely low unemployment rates.  Ireland is also becoming a country that imports a lot of skilled labor, resulting in an increase in immigration into the country.

    A couple of things to know before international moving to Ireland, you will be required to acquire a work visa in order to work in Ireland unless under very specific circumstances. Contact the Irish Consulate in your area to learn more about what is required in order to attain a visa. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time as visas often take a decent amount of time to process.

    In the end, you want to find an overseas international moving company that will treat you and your shipment with the utmost care every step of the way while international moving to Ireland. Though the process can be complex, the most skilled overseas moving companies will spare you of all of the stress and worry that can associated with international moving to Ireland, that company is Sunset International Shipping.

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