How long have you been thinking about uprooting your life and relocating to another country, or even a different continent? For example, Europe has been a tempting destination for so many years, but breaking the language barrier and moving to the south of France or the north of Italy seems almost impossible.

You don’t even have to travel that far to face language obstacles – that can happen in your neighborhood, even in your closest surroundings. Learning new languages abroad might be challenging, but it is certainly not impossible if you know the right tips for learning. Whether you’re moving to Germany, wish to explore the wonders of South Korea, or enjoy the landscapes of New Zealand, the drill is the same. No matter where you decide to live, with the motivation and will to invest time and effort, you surely won’t regret it. Even if it seems hard at moments, our tips and tricks will show you that there is a way to be more self-confident and persistent when it comes to mastering languages.
Breaking the Language Barrier – It Is Possible
Is it possible to break the language barrier and speak fluently? Of course it is, but it involves practice, a lot of it. Even if you spend hours and hours reading in a foreign language, it’s not the same when you have to talk to a native speaker. The actual learning process starts when the words come into use, and you utter those first few sentences. With a bit of practice and devotion, you will be in control of the words without losing your breath or having a breakdown, be it in some of the best cities to live in Europe or in exotic Bangkok, Thailand.
Be Patient
Patience is the key to overcoming this psychological obstacle. You have been taught English all your life, and it’s no problem if you’re relocating to Toronto, the cold but friendly United Kingdom, or even to the Land Down Under, but if you have to switch to French or German, everything seems so different and confusing. Even if it really is, find a way to enjoy all of that.
Through the learning process, you will also find out a bit about the culture of the native speakers. There is so much room for new knowledge. Every new word you learn will help you be more confident and communicate with ease. It is good to set deadlines and dates, but don’t be too hard on yourself. It takes time to communicate without fear and anxiety. Empower yourself with patience and motivation, and your moving across the world won’t seem so scary anymore, and adjusting to a new country will be a breeze.
Use a Method That Works Best for You
Different languages require different learning methods. Some might be good for you, others not. The best you can do is find a way that works for you. If you hate to learn in a group, you should take individual classes or practice on your own at home.
In case you feel you are not ready to speak to someone, practice in front of the mirror until you feel more confident. This might sound silly in the beginning, but you can come up with different narratives and practice them aloud. This will help you create sentence patterns, which will eventually lead to a fluent conversation. As you proceed, you will see that everything is connected – it will be easier when you master the basic A level.

Expand Your Social Circle – Let Others Help You
Take as much time as you need before you speak to someone else. Nonetheless, the sooner you engage in a conversation, the easier it will be to improve your language skills. Whenever you have the opportunity to practice, use it. Don’t run away from people who are already fluent, as you’ll reap the benefits of relocating the easiest.
There are many websites where you can have a one-on-one conversation – someone will be teaching you Italian, and you can, in return, give English lessons. Once you are done with that part of the process, go out and utter those few first sentences.
Check if there are some events where speakers go to practice with each other. There you can find many beginners who feel the same way as you do. Just don’t forget that you are not alone in the learning process – there are so many people who give their best to put into practice everything they have previously read or heard, the same as you. Start with a basic conversation and try to use some of the fancier words you have recently learned.
You Need to Increase Engagement – Let Native Speakers Be Your Learning Resources
If you know some native speakers, you have the perfect practice resources. Just because someone is proficient, it doesn’t mean he or she will judge you for the lack of knowledge. Imagine if you want to teach someone your mother tongue, you won’t make fun of a person because of a silly mistake. No one will shame you for the lack of knowledge, but you will be admired for trying to learn. And if you’ve moved to another country for love, the learning experience might be even more fun.
If you are about to start scheduling international moving services, and you don’t have enough time to study since you have to take care of packing, make sure you enroll in a course as soon as you relocate to the new city. Alternatively, you could hire packing services to free up your time and devote yourself to studying. Basic conversational skills will be sufficient for markets and shops. Nonetheless, if you want to feel comfortable at social gatherings or events, you probably want to master the foreign language. Pick a teacher who is a native speaker. This will boost your motivation to learn when relocating for the first time.

The More You Practice, the Better It Gets
Practice, make comparisons and note down the things that cause the most trouble. Make sure you have useful resources, dictionaries, grammar books, and continuity in your learning process. You don’t have to spend hours and hours every day. Decide on the days and hours you want to spend studying. If you are enjoying yourself, allocate more time – you are the one in charge here. Refer to some additional tips that can enhance the process and help you speak better.
Learn Common Phrases
Google the most common phrases. This will be extremely helpful since native speakers tend to use many phrases in their daily speech. Make sure you always add new idioms and collocations. This is how you improve both fluency and accuracy.
Improve Your Understanding
Never forget to learn new words. When you get up, have a look at an issue of online newspapers in the target language. The phrases used there are contemporary and modern – precisely what you need. You will subconsciously learn new words without even noticing it. Give it a try.
Don’t Think Too Much About the Mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes – even native speakers do. Don’t spend too much energy dwelling on them. Try not to repeat those mistakes, but don’t stress out because you mispronounced a word – it happens to everyone. And if it seems overwhelming, keeping in touch with friends back home will be the best safety net ever.