These trying times have brought us many questions, and one of them is will you be able to travel abroad during Covid-19. Since the virus transmits easily and the risk is still high almost everywhere, it’s crucial to do background research and see what preventive measures you can take before going abroad. Let’s see how to find out if you are eligible for travel, should you make any plans, and what do you need to travel to another country.

A hodophile is a name for someone who loves to travel. If you are one of them or have some important business trips planned, you must know all the international travel requirements and to have all the documents needed to travel abroad. If you don’t want to bump into a closed border or to be in a mandatory quarantine, make sure you get the answer to what do I need for international travel. This also applies to all of those considering hiring an overseas shipping company and moving abroad, so let’s see where you can go and will you be safe there.
Travel Abroad During Covid-19 – Why Is It Not Completely Safe?
We are all aware of the conditions we’re living in for the last several months, and this situation changed our lives immensely. The new virus has spread all over the world and made traveling and moving overseas difficult and even possibly dangerous. Changing your environment and being in direct contact with many people (even for a couple of days) will raise the chances of getting infected.
That is why many practice social distancing and cancel all plans they had, including international moving. The State Department advised avoiding any traveling, but the situation changes constantly. Now, with the right precautions, you can be safe. If you’re going to a place that doesn’t have any travel restrictions, or if you’re hiring an overseas moving company that disinfects all of their equipment, then the chances of getting Coronavirus are much lower.
The First Step of Traveling Abroad Is to Protect Yourself
No one can take better care of you than yourself, and prevention is always better than facing the consequences. Since you decided that you want to go to another country for a holiday or you need overseas shipping, make sure you wash your hands frequently for at least twenty seconds with soap and water or use an alcohol-based sanitizer. Try to be at least 6 feet away from others and always use a face mask. Don’t touch your face with your hands when outside, and if you’re sneezing or coughing, avoid meeting other people. Stay out of crowded places, and don’t spend time with people who have any virus symptoms.
Get All the Information if You Choose to Travel Abroad During Covid-19
The pandemic has hit all the places differently, so if you’re moving across the world now or going on a trip, the best thing to do is to be very well informed. Reading news in the state you’re visiting and following the Covid situation will help you with the moving stress that has increased since March. So, if you’re healthy, without any symptoms of the virus, get all the information and follow the number of infected for at least two weeks before going there. If you see that the number is increasing, consider rescheduling or canceling the trip.
What Do You Need to Travel to Another Country?
If you’re asking yourself can I travel internationally during the coronavirus disease pandemic or what do I need for international travel, we’ve got the answer for you. Americans are allowed to travel, and depending on the place you’re visiting, you might face a two-week quarantine once you come back. Since many countries have opened their borders for travelers from the United States, the chances are that you just need to check that particular country you’re interested in visiting, get your documents needed to travel abroad and to book a flight. In case you’re traveling or moving with kids, do the same for them as well.
What Are International Travel Requirements During COVID?
This will most likely depend on the location you’re visiting or moving internationally.
All the requirements are listed on the website of the embassy or consulate of the country you’re going to visit. So read them thoroughly or write down, so you don’t forget something. Once you check travel advisories, you will see that most countries will ask for similar things:
- A negative test not older than 72 or 48 hours
- A medical insurance policy that covers treatment for Coronavirus
- A positive coronavirus antibody test result
You can do the testing in your home state or in the place you’re visiting. If you choose to do the test after you arrive, you will be isolated from others until you receive a negative result. Also, if you take some therapy, don’t forget to bring the medication and carry the prescriptions with you.
Except for a Passport, You Might Also Need a Visa
Even though the United States passport is one of the most powerful ones, there are still destinations that ask for a visa. Some will ask for a visa on arrival, but some require it before coming to the airport. A few of those that will ask for advance visa are:
- China
- Cuba
- Venezuela
- Turkey
- Russia
- Sri Lanka
- Maldives
Receive Notifications via Staying Connected
The number of infected and the condition in the destination you wish to go to can change rapidly, so you need to stay posted. You can visit many different websites every day, or you can choose to receive notifications about safety and security. If you create an account, you can receive emails with the newest updates.

You Have Your Documents, Passport, and Visas? Time to Check in Which of the Categories Is Your Destination
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has made an interactive color-coded map to help all the travelers see whether it’s safe to go or move during Corona. There are four levels:
- Grey – No travel health notice
- Light yellow – The risk is low
- Yellow – The risk is moderate
- Orange – The risk is high
Once you find your destination on the world map, you can click on it and see what the health guidance says. Only Turkmenistan, Solomon Islands, North Korea, and the beautiful small islands of Vanuatu have not reported data on Covid. Greenland, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Fiji, and some other small islands don’t have a health notice. Thailand and New Zealand belong to the light yellow level, and Malaysia is on the yellow level. All other countries are orange-colored, which might sound concerning.
Should You Take the Risk?
If you’re thinking What are the recommendations for people traveling to Costa Rica during the COVID-19 pandemic or Can US citizens travel to Bermuda during COVID-19, you might reconsider the trip when seeing the orange color. However, air traffic is still working, travel agencies still take reservations, and a responsible international moving company will still provide you with their services. For example, Costa Rica only accepted travelers from several states, but as of November the first, all US citizens are welcome to stay. Many countries that have closed their borders now reopened, which means that the chances of the infection are getting lower.
Note that there are also countries open to Americans, but with a 14-day quarantine, so don’t forget to check special requirements for each country. Also, according to the latest updates, US citizens aren’t allowed to come to Japan and Australia. Even the immigration department of New Zealand has restrictions for Americans, even though it is one of the friendliest countries in the world.

International Traveling Might Be Tricky if You’re Going to Europe
There are states that require no test or no quarantine, but European ones are not on that list. If you remember, Italy and Spain were the locations that had the most victims once the pandemic started. If you’re thinking what is the current COVID-19 travel warning for Switzerland, you might not find good news since that place is also orange-colored on the map. Checking a European destination for tourism or for working in Europe as an American during these days can be complicated since the situation is sensitive. Now that non-essential travelers are also allowed, you can go for a vacation or hire an overseas moving company and move to one of the best cities to live in Europe or the best European countries to live in. Just break the language barrier, stay posted with the latest updates, and make sure your flight isn’t canceled.

What Should You Do if You Get Sick During the Travel?
If your health was good when leaving home state, and after a couple of days you began feeling sick, don’t panic, but also don’t ignore that. Even if you have light symptoms, you should distance from others and contact your travel agency or insurance company. Because you bought a policy that covers Coronavirus, you’ll have no worries. Notify the person that is renting you the place to stay. In case you’re staying in a big hotel, it can happen that you will get a new room – quarantine, that is isolated from others, and you might also get a free stay with them for as long as you need before you start feeling better. Check your temperature frequently and pay attention to your sense of smell and taste – those are the main symptoms of this world-spread virus. Once it is time for you to come back home, make sure you contact the Health Department of your state and notify them about your condition.

Don’t Give Up on Plans for Moving
The year 2020 has ruined many social gatherings, parties, weddings, concerts, and others, but it doesn’t have to change your relocation plans. In case you’re planning on packing your belongings and shipping overseas all of them in boxes or in custom crates, you’re still able to do that if you hire a reputable and responsible international moving company. Their movers will carry gloves and masks, and all that can be done online will be, including the home survey. You’ll have minimal contact with other people. Every piece of equipment that they use must be cleaned and sanitized after every move, so you won’t have to worry about getting the virus. Even the storage units and moving trucks are cleaned and kept safe for keeping and carrying your belongings. Your only job will be to find the professionals that will do all the work. Just don’t forget that you can’t hire them a couple of days before the move – call and book moving services at least a couple of months before. After that you can focus on the tips for learning a new language, relocation questions to ask the employer, and finding the best expat communities. It will be much easier to figure out how to live in another country during the pandemic if you have the whole moving process off your shoulders.