Relocating this majestic object is never an easy thing to do, especially if you are moving internationally. It is highly risky, both for the musical instrument and yourself. Therefore, knowing how to move a piano is instrumental, particularly when you are doing it only with the help of your friends. Professional assistance is always highly recommended here.

Nonetheless, if you have decided to try and tackle this issue by yourself, it is possible. However, you will have to consider everything that is written in this article. Not only can your musical instrument get damaged beyond repair, but also you can put your life at risk when relocating such big objects. Therefore, we advise you to carefully examine each step and do not think about taking any shortcuts.
Knowing How to Move a Piano Is Extremely Important if You Require to Do So
We are talking about a very intricate musical instrument that is usually comprised of more than 10,000 delicate parts. On top of that, it can weigh more than 1,000 pounds. Naturally, the relocation of this beautiful instrument can be immensely difficult when moving overseas. We shall discuss the following points:
- The necessary equipment and materials,
- Preparation for the move,
- How to move an upright piano,
- How to move a grand piano,
- How to properly place it for transport.
You will certainly want your instrument packed when relocating abroad. This article can provide you with much useful information on what to do when moving abroad alone. Therefore, if you are a proud owner of this magnificent instrument, do not be afraid to include it in your relocating checklist.
Moving Equipment and Protective Materials Are Absolutely Essential
What equipment do you need to move a piano? Everything needs to be safely kept when relocating, and there are appropriate tools and materials to ensure that. However, above all, you need to care about your own safety. There is a high risk of severe injuries when working with big objects. Using appropriate relocating tools can prevent such injuries. Here is a list of the most common items that you will definitely require:
- Four-wheel dolly,
- Relocating straps,
- Ramps,
- Protective covers like relocating blankets and plastic wrap,
- Protective gloves,
- Plastic tape and scissors.
The good news is that if you are relocating on a tight budget, these tools can be borrowed from your local storage facility. And do not forget that an international moving company can provide you with all the necessary packing services and improve the efficiency of your move greatly.

You Have to Know the Exact Measures of Your Entries and the Musical Instrument
Before any relocation can start, you have to make sure that your musical instrument can safely pass through all the doors. You certainly do not want to end up in a situation where you have moved across the world and suddenly realized that it cannot fit through the door. Therefore, measure everything carefully, and if you have difficulties in acquiring measurements of your new home, try maybe to contact the expat community.
Another Important Thing Before the Actual Moving of the Piano Can Start – You Need to Clear the Path of Relocation
This is extremely important, and if not done, it can cause major complications. When the heavy lifting begins, you will want everything to go smoothly without any unnecessary pauses. So, decide what path will be taken when the relocation starts and make sure that everything is removed. Tables, chairs, flowerpots, anything is considered to be an obstacle in this situation.

Call Your Friends for Help, Especially if You Have to Descend the Stairs When Relocating
How do you move a piano easily? Well, it can be done easily with the assistance of your friends. Theoretically, moving a piano by yourself is possible, but it is not recommended at all to do that. So, be in touch with your friends, and when the time has come to move this grand instrument, do not forget to contact them for assistance. Usually, four people are enough for this job. One should act as a guide while the rest are engaged in heavy lifting.

Moving a Grand Piano and Moving an Upright Piano Is Not the Same
How do you move an upright piano? Well, first of all, there are two types of pianos. Therefore, there will be some differences in preparation for the move abroad. Before anything can be done, first establish which type you possess. The general rule is that the upright one is easier for relocation. Nonetheless, regardless of the type, you will have to meticulously prepare the instrument for transportation if you want it to be safely moved to another country. Let us see what has to be done:
- First of all, you will require relocating blankets and plastic wrap for both. For the upright, you should start by covering the keyboard’s lid. You also have to secure it tightly with tape in order to stay closed during transportation. Pedals should be separately covered with plastic wrap. Once this has all been done, it is time to cover the entire instrument with relocating blankets. All sides have to be covered equally, and it has to be tightly fixed with tape.
- If you have the grand on your relocating abroad checklist, then a few more steps have to be performed. Firstly, the lid has to be lowered and tightly secured with tape. Afterward, the legs and the pedals have to be dismantled. These removable parts have to be treated as if you were packing fragile items. Therefore, they will have to be separately covered with protective materials and placed in a container. You will require a screwdriver for dismantling. Finally, take as many blankets as needed and secure the main part tightly with tape.
We Come To the Most Important Part, the Actual Relocating
This is the most important part, as here you will be in danger of injuring yourself, but also there is the risk of damaging the musical instrument as well. Professional relocating tools come here into play. And do not forget, before asking how to move a piano by yourself, always ask first, “are there any people that can assist me?”.
It Is Time to Employ the Relocating Tools and Supplies
The four-wheel dolly will be the most important tool when relocating this musical instrument. However, under no circumstances should you lift the main part with your bare hands from the ground. Take the relocating straps and place them under the instrument’s body in a way that reaches all ends of the instrument.
Ideally, there should be four people on each side. Once everyone has been positioned and taken the straps, slowly lift the instrument and place it on the dolly. After placing it, it should be secured additionally with rope. Many people like to use the so-called skid board. It is basically a board covered in cloth that can be put on a dolly before placing the instrument. This board can provide greater stability, and it is often used for the grand ones.
Ramps Are Extremely Important When Relocating Such Large Objects
When you are relocating such heavy objects, you will want to be able to push. Lifting should be avoided at all costs, and a dolly is a tool that is specifically designed for this purpose. However, you will need to place ramps over all your doorsteps and staircases. Also, when loading it into a truck, you will require a ramp placed in front of the trailer.
Be Extremely Careful if You Have to Descend a Staircase
Once the instrument has been prepared to be loaded into a truck, it should be pushed along the path that has been cleared. However, it is often the case that this path involves stairs. When descending, all people should be completely synchronized. There should be no changes of pace and no sudden movements. Slowly and carefully move it down the stairs.
You Will Have to Adequately Place It in the Truck
A professional overseas shipping company will always place the instrument at the very back of the trailer. This means next to the wall that separates the driver’s cabin from the trailer. It is also advisable to put wooden boards in the trailer as the trailer’s surface is not always level. Once the instrument has been brought to the trailer, take the straps again and slowly bring the instrument to the back of the truck.
Find the Best Spot for the Instrument in Your New House
Basically, everything that we have written here will have to be applied in reverse when you arrive at your destination. Generally, it is best to place it against an inside wall. Such walls are the best protection against dampness and cold. Of course, you should know in advance where it will be located in order for everything to be smooth.
Your Instrument Will Have to Get Tuned After Relocation
Although sturdy in its appearance, as we have mentioned, it consists of numerous delicate parts that will get affected by transportation. It is interesting to know that these instruments experience a sort of a culture shock as well when you go to live in another country. According to some experts, different temperatures and humidity can affect it a lot, and it will require at least a month to adjust to a new country.
Hiring Professional Movers Is Always a Good Idea in This Situation
As you have been able to read, relocating this heavy instrument is possible, especially with the help of your friends. But let us be realistic, changing your home address entails a lot of relocation stress, especially now you have to travel abroad during covid-19. Therefore, hiring an overseas moving company is the best way to move a piano. You will probably ask: How much does it cost to move a standing piano? Well, it will certainly incur some additional expenses, but it is well worth it, as you will be saved a lot of trouble.
Movers Are Trained Professionals That Can Adequately Transport Your Musical Instrument
You will not have to worry about the safety of your musical instrument. Movers are trained people who know how to appropriately transport both types of this wonderful instrument. But, more importantly, when going to any of the best places to live abroad, you will require overseas shipping. It is certainly best to have such services all performed by a professional company, rather than having to worry about these issues, particularly now during corona. Here is a useful video on how to find a trustworthy relocating company.
A Musical Instrument Can Help You a Lot in Adjusting to a New Environment
Although it seems like a daunting task, in the end, it will be completely worth it. Musical instruments can provide great consolation, and changing your address is an incredibly strenuous process, both physically and mentally. Furthermore, is there a better way to start breaking the language barrier when meeting your new friends than playing for them one of the many enchanting Chopin’s nocturnes?