Weathering the Storm – The Ultimate Guide to Moving in the Rain

Posted Moving Tips and Tricks / July 18, 2024
Maya Brown

Born in Atlanta, Maya has called many places home in her lifetime. She's a content writer and moving expert who loves to help people relocate smoothly.

Who says moving in the rain can’t be fun? At first glance, it might seem like a plot twist you didn’t sign up for. However, with a bit of preparation, you can navigate the puddles and turn this soggy situation into a seamless transition. Here’s how to stay dry, keep everything safe, and maybe come to enjoy the raindrops as you’re going through the whole ordeal.

The Weather Forecast Is Your New Best Friend When Moving in the Rain

Rain isn’t just a fall thing. In the US, it loves to crash the party in late spring and early summer, too. You’d think you could predict its mood swings, but nope! Rain is the ultimate wildcard. One minute, it’s sunny, the next, you’re in a monsoon.

When you start to prepare for a move, the raindrops don’t care. It can show up anywhere, anytime, just to keep you on your toes.

That’s why constantly checking the weather forecast should be at the top of the to-do list.

Hawaii is the rainiest state in the US

This isn’t just advice for folks leaving some the rainiest states like Louisiana, Mississippi, or Alabama or for those relocating to Hawaii, England, or somewhere equally as rain-soaked. No matter where you decide to live, checking the forecast should be as routine as that morning coffee. In fact, combine the coffee with a quick scroll through the National Weather Service website, and you’ll be well on your way to outsmarting the downpour.

Moving Stuff in the Rain Is Impossible Without the Right Supplies

Embarking on this rain-soaked adventure without the right packing materials is like going on a road trip without snacks – it’s just not going to end well. All prized possessions will arrive at the new home looking like they’ve been on a jungle safari, and that’s far from ideal. Regardless of the season, high-quality supplies are crucial, especially when moving internationally. Here’s a list of the usual relocation essentials:

Now, if the forecast predicts a downpour, it’s time to go above and beyond with supplies. Heavy-duty plastic covers for furniture will shield these pieces from getting soaked. Waterproof storage bins and tarps will keep everything dry and secure.

As finishing touches, extra packing tape ensures nothing slips out of place, while waterproof labels prevent smudging. But if all this talk is already sounding a bit too overwhelming, know that you can always book full packing services. With them, the pros will handle everything, quite literally, from the supplies to the whole wrapping process.

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Don’t Forget to Suit Up for the Storm as Well

Your stuff is not the only thing that needs protection from the downpour – you do, too! Dressing appropriately is key to staying comfortable and dry. Make sure to have raincoats, waterproof boots, ponchos, and hats handy. You’ll be able to stay nice and dry throughout the whole ordeal, and if you’re relocating to England or a similarly rainy destination, you’ll be well prepared for the weather.

Rainproof Packing – Plastic, Plastic, and More Plastic

Now that you know what you need, let’s see how to use it to make sure your move abroad is drier than a desert. Here are some crucial relocation tips to make this transition wonderfully waterproof:

Garbage Bags Are Not Just for Trash

Garbage bags aren’t just for trash anymore. These versatile wonders can double as protective covers for just about anything. Slip them over clothes on hangers, wrap them around electronics, or use them as liners for boxes with fragile items.

Plastic Wrap Is an Invaluable Clingy Companion

Plastic wrap is the clingy friend you actually want around on a rainy move day. Wrap it around furniture, electronics, and even cardboard boxes for an extra layer of protection. The items will stay put and dry, no matter how bumpy or wet the journey gets. Plus, it’s oddly satisfying to watch everything get shrink-wrapped into oblivion.

Combine With Furniture Blankets, and You’ve Got a Rainproof Shield

Furniture blankets are thick, padded blankets that protect these pieces against scratches and bumps on the road. When paired with a layer of plastic, they become the ultimate rainproof shields. Wrap the furniture in plastic first, then secure the blankets over it. It’s like swaddling a baby, but instead, you’re protecting that beloved couch from the perils of a rainy move.

Here’s How to Safely Transport Stuff With No Slip ‘n’ Slide Included

Safety is always the name of the game, especially when moving overseas. But when the skies open up, and you’re facing a rainy relocation, it’s time to double down on the safety measures.

Precipitation brings a whole new set of challenges that can turn what would otherwise be a smooth transition into a slippery mess. Wet sidewalks, soggy boxes, and puddles inside the house can be hilarious in hindsight but best avoided. At the end of the day, safe relocation is where it’s at.

Cardboard Should Be the New Carpet to Keep the Pathways Dry

Using cardboard is an excellent way to create non-slip pathways. Lay down flattened boxes along the hallways and entryways. This quick fix soaks up excess water and provides some much-needed traction, preventing those cartoonish slips and falls.

Stay On Top of Any Moisture Residue and Address It Quickly

Raindrops don’t just stop at the door – they sneak in on shoes, boxes, and pets with a knack for finding the wettest spots. Stay vigilant and keep a mop or towels handy to quickly tackle any moisture residue as movers work their magic. A quick wipe can prevent a minor puddle from becoming a major hazard.

An Overseas Shipping Company Can Make a Splash-Free Move Happen

For a lot of people, relocation stress is as real as it can be. Plenty of surveys show that moving abroad is one of the most stressful life events, right up there with divorce and job loss. In fact, 30% of people find it more anxiety-inducing than their wedding day. Add a downpour to the mix, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a moving meltdown.

So, you’re probably wondering – do moving companies move in the rain? Absolutely! With professional moving services, you can handle everything the weather throws your way. From efficient packing to navigating slippery paths, pros can turn a potential disaster into a seamless move. Plus, they save you from the stress of handling it all yourself, letting you focus on more important things – like finding the umbrella.

Shipping Overseas Is Their Bread and Butter – The Pros Can Even Handle Your Prized Ride

Companies such as Sunset International Shipping can even handle a prized four-wheeler like it’s their own and get it to the new location without a hitch. Overseas vehicle shipping comes with specialized equipment and techniques to keep the vehicle in pristine condition, ready to hit the road abroad. What a great way to break through that impending culture shock!

It’s Super Important to Remain Positive Throughout Any Rainy Challenges That Come Your Way

No matter how much you prepare, unforeseen things can always happen. You can plan every detail, but Mother Nature might have other ideas. Even the best international moving company in the game is not immune to the whims of the weather.

Maintaining a positive mindset is key. When you stay upbeat, even the biggest puddles won’t seem so deep. Positivity is contagious – spread it to everyone helping you, and the day will go a whole lot smoother, even if it’s raining cats and dogs.

Here Are a Few Common Slip-Ups You Should Definitely Avoid

Besides the obvious, such as underestimating the importance of the right materials and neglecting safety, there are a few relocation mistakes you should avoid. One of the most common ones is packing items in a rush and forgetting to label boxes – without this, unpacking can become a real nightmare pretty quickly. It’s a good idea to get waterproof labels, too – we don’t want all of that diligent work to go to waste just because of a few raindrops.

Another pitfall is not having a backup plan for transport delays. Rain can slow things down, so keep essentials with you and plan for potential hiccups. Lastly, don’t overlook checking the weather forecast regularly. Weather can change quickly, and staying informed helps you adjust the plans as needed.

Don’t Forget About the Post-Move Care – Here’s How to Dry Out and Settle In

Reaching the new country doesn’t mean the whole ordeal is over. The adventure continues! You’ve braved the rain and made it to the new home, but there’s still plenty to do. Unpacking, organizing, and settling in are all part of the journey.

First things first, tackle any dampness head-on. Check the boxes and furniture for any moisture and wipe them down immediately. Next, focus on unpacking essentials first – things like bedding, toiletries, and kitchen items. Getting these sorted will make the new place feel like home quickly. Last but not least, don’t forget to reward yourself with a little treat – after all, you’ve earned it! Moving homes in the rain is no walk in a drizzle!

Conquering the Downpour, One Box at a Time

With the right preparation, a rainy relocation can be an adventure to remember. From dodging puddles to creating makeshift cardboard carpets, you’ve learned the ins and outs of a splash-free move. So, when the skies open up, and you find yourself in a downpour, just remember – with a positive mindset and some clever tricks, even the raindrops can’t dampen your spirit!

Now that you’re armed with all these rainy-day tips, why not let the experts at Sunset International Shipping handle the heavy lifting? Our overseas moving company has the skills, the gear, and the know-how to make the move as smooth as a water slide – minus the soaking! Give us a call and let’s turn this rainy move into a sunny adventure!

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